Another month rolling around, and spring busting out all over so time to make the first post in the revived blog section of the website. But what about?
Firstly is it global warming or just coincidence, but a Facebook look back memories link popped up earlier, saying a year ago you sat out for the first time in the year wearing shorts – beaten this year by several days. Although the weather is not that warm today. I have also got the year’s first grass cut done already, that too seems early. Also garden related we have been clearing out the overgrown clump in the middle of the pond.
Rufus Castle Model
Finally, I have been working on the excellent, and free to download, card kit of the Island’s Rufus Castle. See the Portland Museum website for more details, if you are around the museum reopens next week. (The Rufus Castle page on the Museum Website)
Further images of the castle model as far as I have got so far will almost certainly be added into a build page in the Card Modelling section of the website once the project is finished.
NB Edited for grammar.