I made several posts over this period on my Facebook and Twitter feeds therefore it is not worth adding them again here.
The main highlights to note though are obviously the lack of long trips out, although all was not lost, and as a consequence there were some highlights:-
- As things eased we finally got the roof properly replaced. It had been patch fixed after the storms had lifted tiles and revealed most of the fixing laths had rotted. I guess can’t complain, they had lasted from 1973 when the house was built through to 2021.
- We built a summer viewing platform to enable our sea views; the garden wall is too tall to see over when seated at ground level. Suitably launched in due course with Proseco.
- The stripping of ivy off continued, including removal of much was growing over form next door (Margaret, our neighbour, very glad we did it).
- Regular walks to see the cruise boats resting in Weymouth Bay due to COVID.
- Many other local walks along paths into parts of the Island we had not previously visited regularly.
- The hall, stairs and landing redecorated and fitted with new carpet.
- New book cases installed in the hall.
- The final catch-up item to mention was that we finally got a short holiday in the late summer of 2021, visiting relatives in York and then a trip up to S W Scotland and Loch Lomond.
- John’s desk relocated to allow an indoor crafting/modelling area.
- Some progress in the model railway field.
- Stella’s increasing involvement with the Portland Museum and also in the local theatre scene.
- John was able to pass on the baton of the SLS Journal editorship (taken on in January 2018 due to lack of other qualified members volunteering) to Kelvyn Hulme; how the recruitment of has replacement as website manager and PRO will progress beyond August this year remains in doubt.
- On the downside though cancellation of so many of our usual events and activities.

NB: Written after all plug-ins reloaded except Classic Editor.