
Updates for Island Publishing / John New

NB Individual blog posts are not listed as updates on this page as they show in the side bar.


6 Apr: Due to what may have been a selection error when deleting files I had to reload a back up. Work in progress is continuing image restoration.

27 Mar (2 – 17:05) After a few hours work, and thanks to assistance from my ISP’s Support Desk for their input, the ability to edit pages and posts with subsequent upload has been restored. The outcome, much progress made and several pages and links restored. Work on restoring any lost image links the next task, that will take longer as it is an  image by image process.

27 Mar (1 – 11:00) After another update during October 2021 both (a) blocking me from posting updates and (b) taking out all the posts made after 2018 and most of the stored graphics library, I left the website and blog side dormant as I was very busy in other areas.

Today I am attempting to restore what I can of the lost posts from Internet Wayback archive copies and finally crack the problem of why the change to Block Editing in WordPress seems to be causing these problems. It has been identified as that as re-loading the older Classic Editor has facilitated this update. The Facebook and Twitter links on the home page also to be tested and repaired if necessary. I am also reloading all the media files and hoping to restore those links too.

Therefore my apologies to anyone who has recently visited and seen the corrupted site home page (It changed the installed theme). The older HTML section of the site was not caught up in the problem but also now needs some work to bring it up to date.

2019 – 2021

Sadly another website crash in October 2021 removed what I had previously restored after a similar issue just before lockdown in 2020. What I can recover may well be reposted, in line with the above, but the routine blogs, event notices etc., will be ignored as most were also covered by my social media posts at the time on Facebook and Twitter. (Entry made 27 March 2022).


9 Nov Further update to the Published Works page, link added to my works on the Archive of Our Own site.

2 Aug Update to the Published Works page as new book due later in 2018 and a provisional entry also for 2019.


23 July – Plum Hollow – My latest layout, an N-Gauge US outline railroad set near Shelbyville in Illinois added to the railways section. Appropriate links also added elsewhere on the site.

15 July – Two pages in the Railways section updated. The Classic Train Set and my Railways of Weymouth & Portland page.

21 May – One picture in the South Coast Steam album was noted to be corrupted by an accidental rotation of 90 degrees. That has been corrected and the general order of the pictures reordered to make a better set when run as a slideshow.

6 & 15 May – The modelling blog pages for Reindeer Landing and South Coast Steam both given progress updates in the old format part of the site. The editing work which was commenced on the 6th was completed today (15th) with further minor revisions.  The page titles also revised to better reflect the current status of the projects  with associated updates to the links across the site. Also as part of the change over process a global update on the old site to change the railways home page links to the Railways page on this new version 0f the site.

3 May – On behalf of the SLS I took a promotional stand to the Downs School Railway celebrations at Colwall. A new photo album covering the event added here with a links also added to the My Photo Shows page.

24 April – Following on from the update on the 22nd a comprehensive trawl through the oldest pages on the site has identified several obsolete and broken links. Some of these are to externally hosted sites or pages that no longer appear to exist and therefore text locally here has been rewritten excluding the non-working links. Several corrective auto-updates across the site have also been run; if you find an error please email me. The Sand Hutton Coach build photo-blog also rebuilt (Originally lost when Fotopic collapsed) and also a new Pecorama Photo album added.

22 April – The modelling blog pages for Pebbles End and Reindeer Landing  updated in the old format part of the site plus the adding of a Photo Album for Pebbles End.

8 March – As the merging of the Waggonway Research Circle material with the main site is about to commence an update to the home page with links to an archived copy of the former Demon version of the island-publishing site and older versions of the WRC site.

28th Jan – Link updated on the Railways gateway page and the Railways and Me page on the old-site updated to divert to the replacement page here on the new version site. A few obsolete pages were identified as remaining from earlier iterations of the site and they were also deleted today.

27th Jan – In order to prevent display of the Nothing Here/page not found message bug two older index pages in htm & html format have been reinstated. They will auto update to the correct index.php page.

24th Jan – Update to the Published material page. Mislaid copy of the 1989 article located and the details could therefore be added to the list.


All earlier update content deleted as now obsolete