Works in progress

Writing – works in progress

This page covers John New’s writing works in progress and completed works as yet unpublished. It is a guide to future areas of writing activity and on-going projects. See also my list of available talks, films and presentations which currently is awaiting conversion and remains on the legacy site.

For adults (Non-fiction)

Why displace the horse?  This is the written paper based on a presentation to the Sixth Early Railways Conference in Newcastle held in June 2016. The work is accepted and the volume is in course of preparation. Expected publication late 2017 or early 2018.

For adults (Fiction)

The Kings Collier. A novel based on the life and works of the Elizabethan merchant adventurer, coal mining expert and waggonway builder, Huntingdon Beaumont. As this is a work in progress at the present time there is not an expected publication date.

Short stories and poetry. Many completed works as a result of attending writing groups, workshops and general writing periods. An anthology may appear in due course but is not yet planned due to work on the projects shown above.

For children (Complete but unpublished)

Featuring Hasty the 125 – modern alternatives to that little blue tank engine.

Hasty’s Saturday

Hasty is bored and pretends to breakdown. He really does breakdown. Once repaired he saves the day for a party of school children heading to the seaside.

Hasty meets the Queen

The Royal Train breaks down and Hasty takes the Queen to York

Hasty gets tickled

Hasty hates wet days, the carriage washer tickles. A story about Hasty’s wet day

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Featuring Portland penguin

Portland’s big mistake

At the dawn of time when the birds and animals are being created Portland listens to a fish. A reason why penguins do not fly.

Portland and the explorers

It is a cold snowy Tuesday and Portland meets the explorers.He knows it is a Tuesday explorers always come on Tuesdays. A tale of the Antarctic.