Category Archives: BACOM

The transient internet revisited

Internet attacks crash computers Internet and computer failures spread chaos across the world beginning last Friday (12th May) as a criminal, or criminal gang, released a malware virus to hijack and hold computer systems to ransom. A much bigger problem than the one I covered last year with my article for the BACOMM course blog… Read More »

Year end reflection

Year end reflection 2016 has been a memorable year, including my graduation with a BA in Communication and Media from Bournemouth University. As I type this year-end reflection all I can really say is that it has been a very busy year in just about every other way too, a veritable smorgasbord of events and activities… Read More »

Research facts – story spoilers

Primary research I have carried out suggests that journalistic staples in the Christmas build up differ from reality. Recently on Storify I published two posts, the first outlining how journalists predicted Christmas rail misery, and the second describing how shopper behaviour impacts on retailers.  In the background, I also posted two research questionnaires  surrounding those… Read More »

Micro-blogging – Twitter

Micro-blogging with Twitter Two years ago I didn’t tweet; now through micro-blogging, I do so on an almost daily basis, therefore a reflection is appropriate.  This definition of a microblog from PCMag’s encyclopedia of terms  undoubtedly describes how I use Twitter; “A blog that contains brief entries about the daily activities of an individual or… Read More »

Public sector pay

Public sector pay Has the government got a clue when it comes to fundamental issues around public sector pay?  I admit I am biased, I am a retired local government officer and have relatives and friends still currently employed in the NHS and local government.  Recent news coverage however makes you wonder about the competence… Read More »

Legal constraints on blogging

Legal constraints on railway bloggers Legal constraints do not often come to mind when writing about railway matters. I am a transport historian with an interest also in modern railways.  The law rarely impacts on that interest.  Although transport photographers have occasionally had issues over interpretation of photography rights by heavy handed security officers, and… Read More »