January update
This Blog post with the January update is very brief owing to circumstances outside my control. A strange month; the first edition of the SLS Journal with me as Editor went out roughly as planned despite the Royal Mail managing to chew up the printer’s proof and then deliver it about three weeks late. 17 days for a packet to travel from Walsall to Dorset (and then arrive damaged) is hardly First Class service! A family crisis then arose requiring me to be away from home for a few days
Family emergency

Yorkshire rose. Source information lost.
Left: The image was downloaded from the internet several years ago and the attribution details have been lost. If the image is yours I will happily credit it if you supply the details.
My grandson developed appendicitis so a decant to Yorkshire to be on hand to provide lifts, do the school run with his brother etc., etc.
Update: A thank you to the NHS in York and at Leeds General Infirmary (LGI) for the work they are doing to make him better.
Delayed January content
What would have been the January content will therefore appear during February when I get back home and resume normality.
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