Tag Archives: railways

March blog entry

Brief blog update Another very brief blog post this month as whilst workload seems never ending time, sadly, is inelastic. Railways – Three weekends out with events. With a conference planning meeting for the Early Mainline Railways Conference (In York), The London Festival of Railway Modelling at Alexandra Palace and then back to York for… Read More »

Non-stop editing!

A month of solid editing I ended last month’s blog expressing hopefully “What would have been the January content will therefore appear during February when I get back home and resume normality.” Well that hoped for return to normality during February went well, or not! What it ended up as was a month of solid… Read More »

A literary month

A literary month Two connected, but disparate, sections to this blog post describing my literary month. The first a completed task and introduction to a new role as Editor of The Stephenson Locomotive Society Journal; the second related to local theatre productions. Stella, my wife, stage managed Me and My Girl so a lot of… Read More »

Summer Review Part2

A summer catch up (part 2) Traveling For my wife and I the spring and summer has been an eclectic mix that seems to have involved much traveling for us to and from Yorkshire, our knowledge of motorway snarl-ups increased several times. The trips have been for both business and pleasure/family reasons, and to this… Read More »

General status update

General status update A general status update as it has been a while since I posted anything here so time to get back onto the blogging trail. It has been busy summer including helping both my daughters make family house moves, two brief holiday breaks, one in the Lake District and a second in Scotland… Read More »